Dragon Time for the Dragon Lady


*** warning, I am going to talk about woman monthly cycle. Do not read on if you are uncomfortable to reading what a woman goes through

I’m a DRAGON LADY today

In the morning when I reached office, I made several phone calls to get updates for a project, and also chased for things to be done. My colleague (a gentleman), texted me after we finished a call “Steffie, did something happened? You sound quite upset and moody over the phone”

That caught me by surprise. I am not upset or moody. Oh well, I do have this dull pain in my tummy that I’m trying to ignore. I am constantly worried that it may overflow, and I stain my dress and my office chair. My tummy feels bloated. I feel fat and ugly. While I don’t think I am upset or moody, but subconsciously I may be bugged by all these and it’s showing in my behavior.

I itovi-scanned myself, and DRAGON TIME is one of the essential oils that appeared in my results. Not a big surprise. Itovi scan can be so eerily accurate. Unfortunately I didnt have Dragon Time with me at work today, so my poor colleagues have to bear with me for the rest of the day.

Dragon Time, the natural phytoestrogen for women! This is an essential oil blend to support women’s emotions and eases the discomfort during our female monthly cycle. It contains Clary Sage, Fennel, Lavender, Marjoram, Yarrow and Jasmine essential oils. This lovely blend helps to balance female hormones, relaxes our body and uplift our mood. Just perfect to tame that DRAGON in us during our cycle.

Read here to find out what’s phytoestrogen https://draxe.com/phytoestrogens/

How to use Dragon Time?
You can dilute it or use it neat. Apply on wrist, neck, inner & outer ankles to help balance our hormones.
To relieve any lower abdomen and low back discomfort, dilute and massage on these areas.
Apply on temples to relieve headaches.

If you like to get in touch with me, please drop me an email at mailsteffie@yahoo.com.sg or sign up here to purchase Young Living essential oils.

#steffiesam #essentialwellness #essentialwellnessyl #dragon #dragontime

Thieves Household Cleaner


Thieves Essential Oil Household Cleaner is the perfect chemical free, green product to clean your home, wash your windows and to wash your children toys.

I have 2 young children at home. When they are smaller, and still crawling on the floor. I felt very uncomfortable, when they suck their thumbs/toes, or when they chew on their toys. They are almost ‘eating’ the commercial chemical and toxin laden cleaner I used to mop the floor.

Hence I changed to use Thieves Household cleaner to mop the floor, wipe the playmat, wipe their toys, and also the dining table!


If you like to get in touch with me, please drop me an email at mailsteffie@yahoo.com.sg or sign up here to purchase Young Living essential oils.

Self Love ❤️


A woman plays multi-roles; a mother, a wife, a daughter, a sister, a housekeeper, and for women who are working, an employee, a boss or even a entrepreneur.

So often I hear girlfriend sharing how exhausted they are, and yet they can’t rest because of their various responsibilities. We give up our needs so we could provide for others.

If I rest, my children won’t have home cooked dinner.
If I take a break, I feel guilty towards my colleagues.
If I go meet my girlfriends, I feel bad my husband has to take care of the kids himself.
If I dun buy this dress, I can buy a new story book for my kids.
If I dun buy ART skincare, I can buy RDT set for my children. #steffiebeingcheeky

Love ourselves more and take a few minutes to oil ourselves. I like to apply these 3 essential oils every morning and every night, and have some quiet time for myself.

Forgiveness – inhale and apply over the heart. Forgive others who have hurted us. Forgive ourselves for allowing ourselves to be hurted by others. Forgive ourselves for whatever we think we have not done enough. We are enough

Joy – inhale and apply over the heart.
Promotes feelings of self love and uplift our mood. If you dislike Joy, it could be because you have some emotional blockage.

White Angelica – inhale, apply on crown, shoulders and chest.
Protect us from the bombardment of negative energy, and increase our aura around the body.


If you like to get in touch with me, please drop me an email at mailsteffie@yahoo.com.sg or sign up here to purchase Young Living essential oils.

Why is my child so angry? 👶😡

harmony for children

I have a 8 years old daughter. When she was slightly younger, we went through a period where she is often angry, speak to us rudely and frequently throwing tantrums. Both my husband and I were annoyed that she is behaving badly and lectured her often.

I oiled her with Tranquil, Peace & Calming, Joy and many more essential oils, and sadly they didn’t help much.

One day, daddy brought his little girl out for dessert and asked her why is she always so angry. Her reply was, she felt that we are not listening to her when she speak to us, and not paying attention to her. That made her upset and angry. Hence she wanted to raise her voice to catch our attention. What an realization!
After we found the cause. We made it a routine to ask her about her day and give her undivided attention as she shared about her day.

For a period of time, every night I will spend time applying Harmony essential oil together with her. Guiding her to apply Harmony on her chakra to bring harmonize balance to her chakra. Harmony also helps with emotional healing.

Lesson learnt. Dun just apply the oils on your child and expects miracles. It’s important to communicate and find the root cause. Use the oils to SUPPLEMENT the emotional healing and balance.


If you like to get in touch with me, please drop me an email at mailsteffie@yahoo.com.sg or sign up here to purchase Young Living essential oils.



I’m marinating myself in Forgiveness essential oil. I dunno how to describe my feelings right now; it’s probably a mixture of cheated, disappointment, disbelief and anger. However I’m glad I found out what I did now instead of later.

In case you are wondering, my husband didn’t cheat on me. Lol

When I think with my head, I can understand that person’s action. However in my heart, I’m upset. Strangely, my stomach feels more uncomfortable than my heart. Is this what ‘sick in the gut’ means?

I decided to forgive the person. Not for the person, but for myself. The negative feelings will probably be trapped in my liver and will take a toll on my health. While the offending person lives on happily ever after.

Using essential oils has a direct influence on the brain because the sense of smell is the only sense directly wired to the brain. Olfactory nerves transport the aroma of essential oils to the limbic system and the olfactory sensory center at the base of the brain. The impulses are passed next between the pituitary and pineal gland and move to the amygdala, which is the memory center or fear and trauma. Healing and forgiveness can then take place.

Forgiveness essential oil contains soothing and uplifting essential oils that may enhance the ability to release hurtful memories and move beyond emotional barriers. It has frequency of 192 MHz, which is very high. Our body frequency is around 60+ MHz. When applying a high frequency essential oil, it helps us release negative thoughts and feelings faster and also uplift our mood.

I always apply Forgiveness on myself and my children after I disciplined them. Sometimes I feel so awful for disciplining my cute monsters, so I apply Forgiveness on myself to forgive myself and to forgive them. I apply on Forgiveness on them to forgive themselves for being so naughty and to forgive mommy for disciplining them. Interesting, my son usually get Forgiveness in his Itovi scan results after he get disciplined. This boy bear grudges.

Apply 1-2 drops around the navel, behind ears, on wrists, neck, temples, navel, solar plexus, or heart. It’s also good practice to apply 1 drop of Forgiveness on the navel every night.

#essentialwellness #essentialwellnessyl #forgiveness

If you like to get in touch with me, please drop me an email at mailsteffie@yahoo.com.sg or sign up here to purchase Young Living essential oils.

Egyptian Gold


My daughter has banned me from apply Immupower essential oil blend on her. I instructed her to apply Immupower on her soles before going to school. Her classmates commented on the Immupower smell on her when she removed her shoes. Alright, her classmates were not so fond of the smell.

Oh well, both of us don’t agree with Immupower scent. But this blend is so good for supporting immune system. And there are some situations where I prefer to use a blend that contains several oils that support the immune system rather than just using single oil.

That started me on the search for a blend that supports immune system and still smells nice. Here, I present to you Egyptian Gold!

I was quite intrigued by the single oils inside this blend. It has Frankincense, Myrrh, Cinnamon Bark, Lavender, Rose, Cedarwood, Balsam Fir, Hyssop, Northern Light Black Spruce and Vetiver. It smells quite enchanting, must be because of the Rose. Egyptian Gold is good to use as a perfume, for supporting immune system and respiratory system, and good for emotional balance.

I apply 1 drop on soles or along the spine twice daily to support immunity system. For supporting respiratory system, apply 1 drop on chest and back. It contains several hot oil, so do dilute with carrier oils before applying. Diffusing Egyptian Gold helps my children to settle down and sleep at night too.

It has passed my daughter’s QC and got into her allowed essential oil list. However, she said nobody commented on how nice her socks smelt when she removed her shoes in class. Hmph!

#essentialwellness #immunity #respiratory #eygptiangold

If you like to get in touch with me, please drop me an email at mailsteffie@yahoo.com.sg or sign up here to purchase Young Living essential oils.

Itovi is my new BFF…


I think my Itovi scanner knows me better than Steffie does. Which is sad, I only own an Itovi scanner for a few months while Steffie knows me for all my life.

What an Itovi Scanner? It’s a small device that you hold on for 1-2 minutes and it will read your body electromagnetic fields. After that it will generate a report with a number and a few Young Living products that your body needs. Generally, the lower the number, the better it is.

So, I’ve been having a lot of uncertainties in my work life for the past few months. In short, I lost my direction and purpose. I feel extremely lost and frustrated. There are some days when I feel more positive and some days when I feel more negative.

Interestingly, my Itovi results do give me an indication of my emotional health. My latest Itovi scan has the following oils, Awaken, Envision, Gratitude and Acceptance. (Do read below for the description of these essential oils) Its so eerily accurate in describing what I’m going through right now. I promised myself to use these oils daily for 90 days to give the essential oil time to work.


Awaken Essential Oil is a beautiful blend that helps us spiritual awaken to our potential. It will support us in making the necessary personal changes that are required for us to manifest our dreams and goals.
Use Awaken to enhance meditation, visualization or manifestation of your goals so you can open up to your true authentic self. It also helps to release negative memories.
Awaken will help stimulate the creativity and intuitive side of the right brain. So, if you are always stuck in the left logical side of your brain and you want to increase your spiritual awareness, then Awaken Essential Oil will be great oil for you!


Envision Essential Oil is a blend designed to awaken and inspire your dreams and goals. It will help release the fear of moving forward if you feel stuck and embrace a new vision of your future.
If you want help with procrastination and motivation; and if you want to expel negative emotions and emotional blocks then Envision essential oil could be for you.
It also gets us out of that left brain mentality and opens the randomness of the right brain where creativity and intuition flow. Elevate your mind, bring balance to your emotions and move forward towards your goals with Envision essential oil!


Gratitude Essential Oil was blended to quiet down, soothe, and elevate the mind while bringing relaxation to the body.
This blend promotes the emotions of gratefulness, thankfulness and appreciation. When we concentrate on the things we are grateful for instead of the things that we are stressed about, then we open ourselves up to receiving more of our gifts; and things flow better when our heart and mind are open.


Are you going through a transition, trying to adapt to new changes or taking on a lot of new ideas? Use this essential oil to help you with those changes. Moving, divorce and taking on a new job are amongst the top of the list of the most stressful changes we go through!

Do pm me if you could like to find out how to get an Itovi scan, or you can use my referral link (https://goo.gl/fOa83T) to buy an Itovi scanner.

#essentialwellness #itovi #emo

If you like to get in touch with me, please drop me an email at mailsteffie@yahoo.com.sg or sign up here to purchase Young Living essential oils.

Happy Children Day! Connect with your Inner Child today


Happy Children Day everyone!

Whenever my 2 children announce to me rather randomly what they want to be when they grow up, I get rather amused. Picture my then 3ish son saying “mommy, I want to be James the rescue engine when I grow up, so I can play with all the other engines.”

We know he’s not going to become a train engine, yet I am envious of his guts to dream and to be whatever he wants. His dreams are only limited by his imagination, and nothing else.

Picture me, a woman with 2 children, 4 and 7. I have lost the courage and the ability to dream up. Let say I want to be a super model, a small voice in my head will immediately tell me, “you are too old, you are not tall enough, you dun have a figure to die for….”. The dream could be anything, and the small voice will appear. This small voice will make belittle us and make us smaller and smaller and smaller…

During the journey from a child to adult, we may have gone through alot, disappointment, rejection, failure, confusion…. And we get disconnected from our inner child, our ability to try and our ability to dream.

If you have follow me this far, and may have experienced the little voice in your head. Take out your Inner Child right now, the essential oil I mean. Drip a drop on your palm and apply on your navel and chest. Inhale deeply and try to get reconnected with your inner child, inner self and inner identity. Think of how you were when you were a child, think of your dreams back then… Go back to how you were when you were little and courageous!

Now, go celebrate Children Day!

#essentialwellness #child #daretodream

If you like to get in touch with me, please drop me an email at mailsteffie@yahoo.com.sg or sign up here to purchase Young Living essential oils.