
I love using Thieves Household Cleaner to clean the floor and almost everything else in the house. My house probably smells of Thieves most of the time. BUT sometimes I want to jazz things a little. Get the house to smell different yet still being clean and toxin free.

So today’s post is about DIY toxin free floor cleaner. Just 2 simple ingredients, castile soap and Young Living essential oils. Recipe below.

Castile soap is a concentrated vegetable-based soap made of ingredients you can actually pronounce. This soap is gentle on the skin and effective against dirt, grease and germs! Castile soap has a pH around 8.9, and 7 is considered neutral. Making it suitable for most surfaces. It can be used as a body soap, shampoo and facial cleanser.

Vinegar is another natural ingredient that is used for cleaning. However the smell is strong and quite unpleasant. It’d also acidic and more harsh. So it may not be suitable for more delicate flooring. And dun mix Castile Soap and vinegar together.

Now, the fun part! You can choose your favorite essential oils!

Some suggestion
For oilier floors that requires more grease cutting action, use citrus oils like lemon or lime

For keeping the bugs away from your house, purification, lemongrass, peppermint and citronella will do the trick

For a mental escape to the woods while mopping the floor, pine essential oil scent conjure up images of dense forest with tall pine trees

To make housework more pleasant, Joy or Geranium essential oil will uplift your mood

My choice today was Abundance essential oil. I started putting up Chinese New Year Decorations, and will want to attract more wealth and prosperity for the new lunar year.

DIY Domestic Goddess Toxin Free Floor Cleaner Recipe

– Serving : 1
– Difficulty Level : Low

– 1 Domestic Goddess
– 1 Pail of water
– 1 to 2 tablespoons of Castile Soap unscented
– 5 drops of Domestic Goddess choice of Young Living Essential Oils

– Add Young Living Essential oils to Castile Soap
– Add all into water and gently stir.
– Start mopping the floor and enjoying the wonderful aroma

Word of caution, do a spot test on your flooring first.

If you like to get in touch with me, please drop me an email at or sign up here to purchase Young Living essential oils.

Breaking Addiction 👻


I love watching Chinese Dramas, and I can sacrifice sleep to watch more episodes. The latest drama I am watching is Princess Agent 楚乔传. Everything was going fine, until I finished watching episode 58.

From the episode list, I see that there are 64 episodes. But episode 59 onwards are not available! Why why why?! It’s especially agonizing for me! I NEED to know the ending!

For the last few days, every evening I will check the availability then whine to the husband. Earlier this evening, the husband asked me if Young Living has any oils to break addiction.

Weird question, because it came from him. He is convinced that Young Living essential oils helps to support physical wellness but he isn’t convinced about the emotional aspects.

There are oils for breaking addictions! Acceptance and Suurender! After I answered him, this irritating man asked me to go apply the oils and stop my drama addiction. Oh well, I guess he’s trying to say accept that there are no further episodes. 😡😡😡😡

Anyways, how to use these 2 oils to break addiction.
Apply on your temples, tummy, liver and soles. Diffuse or inhale whenever the addiction arises.

Acceptance smells really nice! I have used this on my little gal when she started Primary 1 last year. She was very attached to her kindergarten teacher and classmates, and didn’t want to changes in her life. She would cry every morning at the school gate. As we used Acceptance on her, she gets calmer by the day.

#steffiesam #essentialwellnessyl #essentialwellness #addiction #drama#acceptance #surrender

If you like to get in touch with me, please drop me an email at or sign up here to purchase Young Living essential oils.


Sick on a Friday


I think Friday night is the worse day to fall sick! I can’t enjoy the weekend and I can’t get a day off work!

🤦‍♀️Bad luck. That’s me. My head is heavy. My nose is blocked. My throat hurts when I swallow saliva.

My little girl took pity on me and offered to do a Raindrop Technique session on my soles. How sweet right. ❤️❤️

The hot oils helped clear my nose. Now I have got mucus running down. TMI.

The 9 oils in the Raindrop Technique Set help to support immunity system, support respiratory system, relax muscles, relieve tension, support healthy blood circulation, balances body energies and help with restful sleep.

Good night world. I hope I will wake up bright eye and bushy tailed tomorrow morning.

#essentialwellnessyl #rdt

If you like to get in touch with me, please drop me an email at or sign up here to purchase Young Living essential oils.

Things that kids say..


On Thursday, my almost 5 years old son woke up unwell. So he has to stay at home to rest. I stayed home in the morning to do a Raindrop Technique session on him and oiled him every 20 minutes with
Valor II, Thieves, Exodus II, Lemongrass and Peppermint on the soles.
Lavender all on the the area that will trap heat.
Peppermint on tummy and back.

By the time I had to leave for work, he transformed from a whiny boy who couldn’t even get out of bed, to a cheeky boy who must play with toys while I oiled him.

So Friday morning, he woke up all bright eyed and alert. And he has to go back to school.

This ungrateful little boy said, “next time you dun oil me, I want to be unwell and stay at home!”

#essentialwellnessyl #thingskidssay

If you like to get in touch with me, please drop me an email at or sign up here to purchase Young Living essential oils.

Lavender: Mother’s secret weapon


Oh jeez! I applied lavender (together with a few more oils) on my son last night and he KOed within minutes! I am soooooo surprised.

There are many many yl essential oils that help with relaxation and sleep. One of the very first oil I applied on my kids to help them sleep and help me get some me time is LAVENDER! But it got to a point where it don’t seems to work on them anymore! So I rotate the sleeping oils.

So I have been saying this alot.
“Lavender, pnc, rutavala, vetiver, orange and etc and etc help with relaxation and sleep. But lavender dun work, vetiver is the one that works for me.”

Actually Lavender does work excellently for relaxation and putting hyperactive kids to sleep. Time for me to go back to the basic everyday oils.

#essentialwellness #lavender #sleep #children

If you like to get in touch with me, please drop me an email at or sign up here to purchase Young Living essential oils.

No Pain & No Stink!


Oh Yes! I survived the last day of this workweek, and is heading for a full body massage now!

My shoulder and neck have been giving me some grief for days! If you read my earlier posts, I have been applying Basil and Marjoram to help relax the muscles and relieve the discomfort. One morning, my hubby commented, “why do you apply that oils? you smell like a grumpy old woman.” HMPH! Major unhappiness! Major Frown! Hubby is still alive because I need him to do #RDT on my shoulders every night.

I checked the EO app, and there’s a protocol that calls for 1 drop of Palo Santo and 1 drop of Frankincense to relieve muscle discomfort. The EO app calls this protocol a ‘discomfort’ killer! So I have been applying this blend on my shoulder and neck, follow by Copaiba throughout the day.

I’ve been applying Frankincense on my face and applying Palo Santo on my knee daily every morning, hence quite sure applying these won’t make me smell like a grumpy old woman.

Copaiba’s scent is sweet and very mild. Other than relieving muscle discomfort, it helps to magnify the effects of the oils applied before it.

Check out the EO app for what #Frankincense, #Palo-Santo & #Copaibado alright? Pm me if you need a screenshot.

#essentialwellness #needamassage

If you like to get in touch with me, please drop me an email at or sign up here to purchase Young Living essential oils.

Essential oils to reduce milk supply


If you are blessed with over abundant of #breastmilk supply or you are weaning off #breastfeeding. You will love Sage, Jasmine and Peppermint help here. These 3 oils helps to reduce milk supply.

Apply above the breasts on the lymph area, and apply 2–3 drops on the spine, about breast level.

On the other hand, if you are working to build up your milk supply, you may want to avoid using these essential oils.


If you like to get in touch with me, please drop me an email at or sign up here to purchase Young Living essential oils.

Thieves for the detector nose


I have a confession. I am very lazy, so lazy that walking to the en-suite bathroom in the master bedroom to get water for my Aria diffuser is too much work for me. So, I haven’t been diffusing in the bedroom when we sleep.

Unfortunately, my gal inherit my powerful walking detector nose. Which I inherited from my dad. What’s a walking detector nose? It can sense when the weather is changing. It can sense when the place is dusty. It can sense when the pillow case is not clean. Whenever it senses those, it start getting stuffy, drippy, blocked or all together.

So, she has been whining and whining whenever her detector nose acts up. Which gets on my nerves. I gave her breathe again, RC, frankincense.. basically all the respiratory system supporting essential oils. She will apply, feel better for a while, then start whining again.

The lazy mommy then set up the diffuser to diffuse Thieves essential oil since Tuesday night.

  • Tuesday, whined lots!(Because I started diffusing when she started whining)
  • Wednesday, no whining.
  • Thursday, whined because tomorrow need to back school. Nose OK.

Seems like diffusing Thieves in the bedroom keeps her detector nose happy. OK! Give you thieves every night from now on, until I get lazy again.

What is Thieves?

Thieves Essential Oil is an excellent blend of essential oils that is specifically designed to support the body’s natural defenses*. This proprietary essential oil blend was university tested for its cleansing abilities. It includes Eucalyptus radiata essential oil, which may help maintain a healthy respiratory system.

What is in Thieves Essential Oil?

* Clove Essential Oil promotes a healthy immune response, and may support overall wellness.* An important ingredient in Young Living’s Thieves blend, its principal constituent is eugenol.

* Lemon Essential Oil consists of 68 percent d-limonene, a powerful antioxidant; and may be beneficial for the skin. It has cleansing and purifying properties.

* Cinnamon Bark Essential Oil promotes a healthy immune response, and helps maintain a healthy lifestyle regimen.
* Eucalyptus Essential Oil may support a healthy respiratory system and to soothe muscle discomfort after exercise.
* Rosemary Essential Oil was one of the most broadly used plants throughout the ages. Supports a healthy lifestyle regimen and overall well-being. Rosemary includes the naturally occurring constituents eucalyptol and alpha-pinene.

#essentialwellness #thieves

If you like to get in touch with me, please drop me an email at or sign up here to purchase Young Living essential oils.