
I love using Thieves Household Cleaner to clean the floor and almost everything else in the house. My house probably smells of Thieves most of the time. BUT sometimes I want to jazz things a little. Get the house to smell different yet still being clean and toxin free.

So today’s post is about DIY toxin free floor cleaner. Just 2 simple ingredients, castile soap and Young Living essential oils. Recipe below.

Castile soap is a concentrated vegetable-based soap made of ingredients you can actually pronounce. This soap is gentle on the skin and effective against dirt, grease and germs! Castile soap has a pH around 8.9, and 7 is considered neutral. Making it suitable for most surfaces. It can be used as a body soap, shampoo and facial cleanser.

Vinegar is another natural ingredient that is used for cleaning. However the smell is strong and quite unpleasant. It’d also acidic and more harsh. So it may not be suitable for more delicate flooring. And dun mix Castile Soap and vinegar together.

Now, the fun part! You can choose your favorite essential oils!

Some suggestion
For oilier floors that requires more grease cutting action, use citrus oils like lemon or lime

For keeping the bugs away from your house, purification, lemongrass, peppermint and citronella will do the trick

For a mental escape to the woods while mopping the floor, pine essential oil scent conjure up images of dense forest with tall pine trees

To make housework more pleasant, Joy or Geranium essential oil will uplift your mood

My choice today was Abundance essential oil. I started putting up Chinese New Year Decorations, and will want to attract more wealth and prosperity for the new lunar year.

DIY Domestic Goddess Toxin Free Floor Cleaner Recipe

– Serving : 1
– Difficulty Level : Low

– 1 Domestic Goddess
– 1 Pail of water
– 1 to 2 tablespoons of Castile Soap unscented
– 5 drops of Domestic Goddess choice of Young Living Essential Oils

– Add Young Living Essential oils to Castile Soap
– Add all into water and gently stir.
– Start mopping the floor and enjoying the wonderful aroma

Word of caution, do a spot test on your flooring first.

If you like to get in touch with me, please drop me an email at or sign up here to purchase Young Living essential oils.