
My 8 years old daughter and I play HIDE AND SEEK every month. I will HIDE the box of Ningxia Red sachets, while she will SEEK them out.

I used to leave the box of Ningxia Red in the kitchen cabinets, where everyone at home has easy access to them. Until I realized my Ningxia Red sachets are vanishing faster than I can say “If you can only take 1 supplement, make it Ningxia Red”. So my daughter and my 5 years old son love Ningxia Red, and I have educated them enough for them to know that it’s good for their health. They love Ningxia Red so much that they call it ‘Mommy’s Ribena’, and they help themselves to many many sachets everyday.

So, I have taken to HIDING my Ningxia Red. Every month when the boxes of Ningxia Red arrives, I will wait until my children fall asleep and I find new hiding places. The hiding places have to be weird places that the children won’t think of, and yet they have to be cool and out of direct sunlight, and easy to access enough for me to get the sachets twice a day.

To my horror, this morning my daughter announced to me proudly, “mommy, I found your Ningxia Red…. “. Tonight I need to find a new hiding place again. I pray she won’t take more than 3 sachets today, while I’m at work.

I always say.. “if you can only take 1 supplement, make it Ningxia Red!”. Ningxia Red has bountiful of health benefits, it supports our immunity system, highly antioxidant drink that keeps our body and skin young, balance blood pressure, supports eye health, improve sleep quality.. the list goes on and on. Do check out the graphic on the many benefits okie.

Proud to say, my 2 children hardly fall sick. *touch wood* My daughter has never taken a single day of MC this school year. My son took a few days of MC because he got the chicken pox. He was perfectly OK when he got chicken pox, can eat can play and very happy that he didn’t need to go school.

PM me if you like to try out Ningxia Red and get healthier and younger!

#steffiesam #ningxiared #nxr #essentialwellness #essentialwellnessyl#hideandseek

If you like to get in touch with me, please drop me an email at mailsteffie@yahoo.com.sg or sign up here to purchase Young Living essential oils.

Sick on a Friday


I think Friday night is the worse day to fall sick! I can’t enjoy the weekend and I can’t get a day off work!

🤦‍♀️Bad luck. That’s me. My head is heavy. My nose is blocked. My throat hurts when I swallow saliva.

My little girl took pity on me and offered to do a Raindrop Technique session on my soles. How sweet right. ❤️❤️

The hot oils helped clear my nose. Now I have got mucus running down. TMI.

The 9 oils in the Raindrop Technique Set help to support immunity system, support respiratory system, relax muscles, relieve tension, support healthy blood circulation, balances body energies and help with restful sleep.

Good night world. I hope I will wake up bright eye and bushy tailed tomorrow morning.

#essentialwellnessyl #rdt

If you like to get in touch with me, please drop me an email at mailsteffie@yahoo.com.sg or sign up here to purchase Young Living essential oils.

Egyptian Gold


My daughter has banned me from apply Immupower essential oil blend on her. I instructed her to apply Immupower on her soles before going to school. Her classmates commented on the Immupower smell on her when she removed her shoes. Alright, her classmates were not so fond of the smell.

Oh well, both of us don’t agree with Immupower scent. But this blend is so good for supporting immune system. And there are some situations where I prefer to use a blend that contains several oils that support the immune system rather than just using single oil.

That started me on the search for a blend that supports immune system and still smells nice. Here, I present to you Egyptian Gold!

I was quite intrigued by the single oils inside this blend. It has Frankincense, Myrrh, Cinnamon Bark, Lavender, Rose, Cedarwood, Balsam Fir, Hyssop, Northern Light Black Spruce and Vetiver. It smells quite enchanting, must be because of the Rose. Egyptian Gold is good to use as a perfume, for supporting immune system and respiratory system, and good for emotional balance.

I apply 1 drop on soles or along the spine twice daily to support immunity system. For supporting respiratory system, apply 1 drop on chest and back. It contains several hot oil, so do dilute with carrier oils before applying. Diffusing Egyptian Gold helps my children to settle down and sleep at night too.

It has passed my daughter’s QC and got into her allowed essential oil list. However, she said nobody commented on how nice her socks smelt when she removed her shoes in class. Hmph!

#essentialwellness #immunity #respiratory #eygptiangold

If you like to get in touch with me, please drop me an email at mailsteffie@yahoo.com.sg or sign up here to purchase Young Living essential oils.