Smudging with essential oils

Recently I got myself some white sage smudge sticks and got started with smudging the house weekly.

What’s smudging? It’s a traditional Native American practice to purify spaces and get rid of negative energies. It’s done using sacred dry herbs like Sage, Palo Santo and Lavender, and tied into a smudge stick. You burn the smudge sticks and infuse the space with smoke from the smudge sticks.

My first smudging was done by Faith using Palo Santo wood at a balcony, and the wind carry all negativity away from me. I was quite intrigued since that 1st experience. Hence I got my own smudge sticks.

I find it quite therapeutic to walk around the house with a smoking Sage smudge stick and fanning the the smoke with a feather. The house smells sagely (pun intended) after a smudging session. The kids think it’s a game and wanted to take turns walking around with the smoking smudge stick. Much to my hubby’s annoyance. At the same time, the hubby is quite concerned with the fire, smoke and ashes. We came to a compromise that I will do smudging with the smudge stick max once monthly.

Oh well, I can do smudging with my Young Living essential oils! I have Palo Santo essential oil, Sage essential oil and Lavender essential oil!

2 ways how to “smudge” with essential oils.
1. diffuse the selected essential oil in a diffuser, and let it run in each room for 30 mins.
2. Use a spray bottle with distilled water and add in a few drops of selected essential oil, then spray everywhere.

I personally prefer the diffuser method, as the mist from the diffuser can get to every corner of the house. Even to the dark corners in the wardrobe.

Remember to do “smudging” during the day when it’s bright and sunny. Cover all the corners in the house. Think and say positive affirmations while smudging. Keep a window or door open so negative energies can exit.

Some ideal (or necessary) times to smudge your aura and/or space would be:
1. When you move into a new living space
2. When you begin a new job or start your own business
3. Before and after guests enter your home
4. After an argument or any illness
5. Upon returning home from crowded situations, hospitals, funerals

#essentialwellness #smudging #youngliving

If you like to get in touch with me, please drop me an email at or sign up here to purchase Young Living essential oils.