
I love using Thieves Household Cleaner to clean the floor and almost everything else in the house. My house probably smells of Thieves most of the time. BUT sometimes I want to jazz things a little. Get the house to smell different yet still being clean and toxin free.

So today’s post is about DIY toxin free floor cleaner. Just 2 simple ingredients, castile soap and Young Living essential oils. Recipe below.

Castile soap is a concentrated vegetable-based soap made of ingredients you can actually pronounce. This soap is gentle on the skin and effective against dirt, grease and germs! Castile soap has a pH around 8.9, and 7 is considered neutral. Making it suitable for most surfaces. It can be used as a body soap, shampoo and facial cleanser.

Vinegar is another natural ingredient that is used for cleaning. However the smell is strong and quite unpleasant. It’d also acidic and more harsh. So it may not be suitable for more delicate flooring. And dun mix Castile Soap and vinegar together.

Now, the fun part! You can choose your favorite essential oils!

Some suggestion
For oilier floors that requires more grease cutting action, use citrus oils like lemon or lime

For keeping the bugs away from your house, purification, lemongrass, peppermint and citronella will do the trick

For a mental escape to the woods while mopping the floor, pine essential oil scent conjure up images of dense forest with tall pine trees

To make housework more pleasant, Joy or Geranium essential oil will uplift your mood

My choice today was Abundance essential oil. I started putting up Chinese New Year Decorations, and will want to attract more wealth and prosperity for the new lunar year.

DIY Domestic Goddess Toxin Free Floor Cleaner Recipe

– Serving : 1
– Difficulty Level : Low

– 1 Domestic Goddess
– 1 Pail of water
– 1 to 2 tablespoons of Castile Soap unscented
– 5 drops of Domestic Goddess choice of Young Living Essential Oils

– Add Young Living Essential oils to Castile Soap
– Add all into water and gently stir.
– Start mopping the floor and enjoying the wonderful aroma

Word of caution, do a spot test on your flooring first.

If you like to get in touch with me, please drop me an email at or sign up here to purchase Young Living essential oils.



I was watching this Chinese Drama, Eternal Love, and was sobbing away. Then my little boy cried together with me. He thought I was upset with something, and was upset that his mommy is upset. So sweet right.

After I convinced him that mommy is not upset, but just crying over a show. He gave me a puzzled look, anyway he stopped crying. Later he whined and complained he can’t breathe, his nose is stuffed from his crying. Arrrgggh.. I want to continue watching my show.

The big sister saved the day with her Breathe Again roll-on. She roll on Breathe Again on the little boy’s chest and throat, then told the whiny brother to wait a while, you will have your nose back. Hahahaha

Indeed, the little boy stopped whining soon, and fell asleep. Why kids can sleep so easily?!

Breathe Again is a blend of essential oils that are used to support a healthy respiratory system. It contains 4 types of Eucalyptus essential oils, peppermint, copaiba, myrtle, laurus nobilis, blue cypress and rose hip fruit essential oils. Eucalyptus essential oils are studied for its potential to support healthy lungs functions. Breathe Again comes in a roll-on bottle and is pre-diluted with coconut oil, making it convenient for us to apply it on the go.


If you like to get in touch with me, please drop me an email at or sign up here to purchase Young Living essential oils.



I was watching this Chinese Drama, Eternal Love, and was sobbing away. Then my little boy cried together with me. He thought I was upset with something, and was upset that his mommy is upset. So sweet right.

After I convinced him that mommy is not upset, but just crying over a show. He gave me a puzzled look, anyway he stopped crying. Later he whined and complained he can’t breathe, his nose is stuffed from his crying. Arrrgggh.. I want to continue watching my show.

The big sister saved the day with her Breathe Again roll-on. She roll on Breathe Again on the little boy’s chest and throat, then told the whiny brother to wait a while, you will have your nose back. Hahahaha

Indeed, the little boy stopped whining soon, and fell asleep. Why kids can sleep so easily?!

Breathe Again is a blend of essential oils that are used to support a healthy respiratory system. It contains 4 types of Eucalyptus essential oils, peppermint, copaiba, myrtle, laurus nobilis, blue cypress and rose hip fruit essential oils. Eucalyptus essential oils are studied for its potential to support healthy lungs functions. Breathe Again comes in a roll-on bottle and is pre-diluted with coconut oil, making it convenient for us to apply it on the go.

#steffiesam #eternallove #dramaaddict #essentialwellness#essentialwellnessyl #breatheagain #respiratory

If you like to get in touch with me, please drop me an email at or sign up here to purchase Young Living essential oils.

Oil accordingly to Itovi results


So my little boy aka #steffieboyfriend wasn’t feeling too great yesterday, and I did an itovi scan on him to find out what essential oils does his body needs.

Pine, Idaho Blue Spruce and Thieves are the top 3 results in his itovi scan results.

I applied Pine and Thieves on him once before we rushed out of the house without bringing these oils. While we are out, I applied whatever essentials oil I have in my oil pouch on him. I tried Peppermint, Eucalyptus Blue, RC and etc. The little boy was miserable and kept throwing tantrums.

When we reached home at night, I applied Pine on him several times. Finally he quieten down, and doze off into a restful sleep quite soon.

I felt silly about using THE oil when I know WHICH oil, and felt so guilty towards #steffieboyfriend.

If you like to get a Itovi Scanner, do use my referral link


if you want to know the morning story 😛

If you like to get in touch with me, please drop me an email at or sign up here to purchase Young Living essential oils.

Itovi Scan for my little boyfriend


This boy kept him and me awake with his coughing. Now he’s lying on the sofa watching Nexo Knights cartoon while he continues to cough.

Me: baby. Mommy do a itovi scan for you k
C2: noooooo.. I dun want

Proceed to grab my itovi scanner and iPad.

C2 (while holding on to the itovi scanner): I said no right.

Wahahaha. Now mommy knows what essential oils your body needs.

Thieves, Idaho Blue Spruce and Pine

If you like to get a Itovi Scanner, do use my referral link

#essentialwellnessyl #essentialwellness

If you like to get in touch with me, please drop me an email at or sign up here to purchase Young Living essential oils.

Things that kids say..


On Thursday, my almost 5 years old son woke up unwell. So he has to stay at home to rest. I stayed home in the morning to do a Raindrop Technique session on him and oiled him every 20 minutes with
Valor II, Thieves, Exodus II, Lemongrass and Peppermint on the soles.
Lavender all on the the area that will trap heat.
Peppermint on tummy and back.

By the time I had to leave for work, he transformed from a whiny boy who couldn’t even get out of bed, to a cheeky boy who must play with toys while I oiled him.

So Friday morning, he woke up all bright eyed and alert. And he has to go back to school.

This ungrateful little boy said, “next time you dun oil me, I want to be unwell and stay at home!”

#essentialwellnessyl #thingskidssay

If you like to get in touch with me, please drop me an email at or sign up here to purchase Young Living essential oils.

😷 How to clear a blocked nose easily? 😷



My little gal has got my bugs and together we are 2 babes with blocked nose, sexy voice and grumpy faces.👭

Both of us woke up with blocked nose so bad that we can’t breathe through our noses at all and can’t blow out 🤧the mucus too.

What do we did? Answer: steam tent

Get a bowl of hot steaming water and add in a few drops of RC essential oil blend and Golden rod essential oil. I put 3 drops each.

Remember to use either glass or stainless steel bowl.

Position your face over the bowl so that the moisturizer warm steam goes into your nose.

We have sexy voices too, so we open our mouths so the steam goes into our mouth too.

Then cover your head and the bowl with a big towel.

Have tissue paper on hand too. The mucus will start flowing.


If you like to get in touch with me, please drop me an email at or sign up here to purchase Young Living essential oils.

Why is my child so angry? 👶😡

harmony for children

I have a 8 years old daughter. When she was slightly younger, we went through a period where she is often angry, speak to us rudely and frequently throwing tantrums. Both my husband and I were annoyed that she is behaving badly and lectured her often.

I oiled her with Tranquil, Peace & Calming, Joy and many more essential oils, and sadly they didn’t help much.

One day, daddy brought his little girl out for dessert and asked her why is she always so angry. Her reply was, she felt that we are not listening to her when she speak to us, and not paying attention to her. That made her upset and angry. Hence she wanted to raise her voice to catch our attention. What an realization!
After we found the cause. We made it a routine to ask her about her day and give her undivided attention as she shared about her day.

For a period of time, every night I will spend time applying Harmony essential oil together with her. Guiding her to apply Harmony on her chakra to bring harmonize balance to her chakra. Harmony also helps with emotional healing.

Lesson learnt. Dun just apply the oils on your child and expects miracles. It’s important to communicate and find the root cause. Use the oils to SUPPLEMENT the emotional healing and balance.


If you like to get in touch with me, please drop me an email at or sign up here to purchase Young Living essential oils.