Palo Santo aka Holy Wood


Palo Santo essential oil should only be distilled from Palo Santo Trees that have been dead for a while; the longer the tree has been dead, the more powerful the oil is. Palo Santo wood has been used traditionally for spiritual purifying, energy cleansing and healing; it inspires creativity, evokes protection, infuses blessings and brings love and good fortune.

Because I only have 1 day of lead time before I move in to cleanse my new house, I didn’t have the luxury to diffuse a few essential oils. Hence after my research, I have decided Palo Santo is the one. Given more time, I will have started with Sage, White Angelica and lastly Palo Santo.

Why I wanted to diffuse Palo Santo in my new house?
– To cleanse the house of any negative energies and also energies of the previous occupants. And to protect the house from ‘new’ negative energies.

– I am a little superstitious when it comes to moving into a new house. It has been left empty for 2 months, and I am worried about unseen guests. (dun judge me k 😛)

– To bless the new house with everything good. After diffusing Palo Santo for 2 hours, I stopped the diffusers for an hour before restarting again. This time, I started activating the house with positive intentions. Say a positive affirmation, like “May we be blessed with joy, harmony and abundance in this home”.

Palo Santo is also an essential oil that will seal in your intentions. When using Palo Santo for sealing intention, you got to be very clear and focus about your intention. I like to apply a drop of Palo Santo on my 3rd eye chakra clockwise direction, while speaking my positive intention. This has worked very well for me!

Palo Santo also has a lot of therapeutic health benefits, will have to share that in another post next time!


If you like to get in touch with me, please drop me an email at or sign up here to purchase Young Living essential oils.

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